October 2024, submitted to Radar 2024
M. Tafertshofer, O. Arnold (TU München), F. Pfeiffer (perisens), D. Korthauer (perisens) and E.M. Biebl (TU München)
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A biprism is used to generate two virtual radar targets out of one real target. The concept is introduced and explained. A ray tracer to emulate an FMCW radar system is implemented in Matlab to simulate the test cases. Simple test cases with a radar, a prism, and a shortened horn antenna are performed to verify the concept. In one test case, the radar is centered, in the other test case, the RX antennas are centered relative to the prism. The distance between the radar and the prism was altered between 15 cm and 30 cm. After receiving promising results, the setup is implemented into a compact range, and the same simulations and measurements are performed. Overall, the angular differences between the targets obtained by the measurements and simulations are a good match to the calculated values. The absolute angles show some deviation. Looking only at the results outside a compact test range, three instead of two targets can appear. The best results are received from the compact test range approach.